Other Important Charecters......battle wise

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Darien/Endymion/Tuxedomask/ect... Darien has many descises and is the future husband of serina and father of rini, he protects the scouts and is like a type of Sailor Earth. If something happens to the Earth it effects him.

Pegusas Pegusua a.k.a helios is the protector of Alyssian and protects dreams. He pecomes freinds with rini in Super S.

Starlights The Star lights contain Star Hearler,Star Maker,and Star fighter. they are looking for their princess,princess fireball who was captured by Galaxia.

Sailor Cosmos Sailor Cosmos was created when Eternal Sailor Moon lost her star seed, to protect her Chibi Chibi gave Sailor Moon her star seed and she morphed into Sailor Cosmos who is Chibi Chibi and Sailor Moon Combined.

Princess Fireball Princess Fireball is the princess who the Stars are looking for.

Queen Serenity Queen Serenity is the mother Of Neo-QS and was killed by Queen Beryl and the Nevaforce. She helped Serina many times in SM and SMR.

Neo-Queen Serenity Neo-Queen Serenity is the futuer Princess Serenity who is the ruler of Crystal Tokyo.

Chibi Serenity Chibi Serenity a.k.a Small lady is Rini as a Princess.

Chibi Chibi Chibi Chibi is Sailor Chibi Chibi and Galaxia's star seed. She fell from the sky on an umbrella and hipnotised Serina's mom to thinking she was Serina's sister....another one!!!! They do not know if she is Rini's daughter or not.

Luna,Artimes,Diana Luna,Artemus,and Diana are the quardiens and pets of the scouts.