Outer Senshi

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Sailor Saturn
Hotaru Tomoe or Sailor Saturn is known as the Sailor of destruction. Her powers are Death black ribbon. Saturn also saved the world from the Soverien of Silence ofter comeing out of hotaru and misstress 9.
Outer Senshi

Amara is the lover of Neptune,she was the beholder of a pure heart crystal which became the Space Sword. Her powers are Uranus world shaken.

Michell is the Lover of Uranus ,and she is Neptune. She was a beholder of a pure heart crystal and it became a magic mirror. Her powers are Neptune Deep Sumberge.

Outers in their princess form Sailor Pluto
Setsun(trista) was a beholder of a pure heart crystal it became a crystal garnet ball which she, as Pluto carries it on her Key of time. Pluto is the keeper of time her powers are Pluto deadly Scream.