Queen Neherania
She is the sister of Queen Serenity(the 1st) and wants to stay beatiful forever and wants to take over the White Moon and is looking for the beholder of the Golden Mirror so she can capture Pegasus/Helios and take over.
Zirconia obeays the orders of Qeen N and trys to comlete his missions with out the Amzonians messing it up.
Amazon trio
Amazon Quartet
They are the ppl who go on the missions during the first part of the season. they contain Fish eye,Hawks eye, and Tigers eye. They try to look for the golden mirror until fish eye finds out they don't have dreams and feeling so she helps sailor moon and they get killed, but Pegasus revives them,gives the dreams,and hides them in the forest of Allysian.
They like the Amazon trio have the same mission. The quartet are a little more advanced then the trio. They are Vesu Vesu,Para Para,Cere Cere, and Jun Jun. In the Manga they are the Astroid scouts turned evil by Neherania.

Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic

Screen Shot: Project BOB
This is the rescue vehicle that you pilot through the game.It's features are described on this screen of the game.
This is the title screen from the game, project BOB. The BOB written in the sky is for show, I like how they have used the game elements to create the title.

Screen Shot: Project BOB
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Here's another shot of the lava room, notice the bombs in the center chamber?...